Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Endorsements from Camelot

By now, we've all already heard the big news about the endorsements from the Kennedy family. Caroline Kennedy (JFK's daughter) made a huge splash by writing an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times. Ted Kennedy announced his endorsement Monday in a speech at American University, the same location where John Kennedy announced the formation of the Peace Corp.

One of the things that I liked about Ted Kennedy's endorsement is that while he certainly places himself strongly in the Obama camp, he also points out that Hillary Clinton and John Edwards are good and worthy presidential candidates. And that he will vigorously support whoever gets the Democratic nomination. Amen!

As talented as Ted and John Kennedy are/were, I'm told that Robert Kennedy was the most inspirational of all of the Kennedy brothers. That RFK was the one that truly inspired people across all lines, generational, ethnic, class and race. Since I've heard that from a few people who were actually directly inspired the man, I'll give Ethel Kennedy, Bobby's widow, the last words:
“I think he feels it. He feels it just like Bobby did,” Mrs. Kennedy said in an interview that day, comparing her late husband’s quest for social justice to Mr. Obama’s. “He has the passion in his heart. He’s not selling you. It’s just him.”

see whole article here

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